Your Information is Secure

When you enter your personal  information at our website, you agree with our terms and conditions. Our customers can enjoy a great deal of privacy while shopping with confidence. We do not share any kind of information with any 3rd party, all information about our prestigious customers is private & confidential. 

100% Original Products Guarantee

At, all our products are 100% original (according to brand names). If you are not satisfied with any of our products, you can claim 100% refund. We take full responsibility for defects, breakage or any other issue with the products delivered by MSHOP.PK. However we do not except any refund or claim for any product that is damaged or broken or have any defect caused at customer end. We are commercial importers in Pakistan and all of our products are imported directly by our company SAAD ENTERPRISES (Import & General Trading Company Pakistan). 

Order & Delivery

All orders are shipped via local courier services available in Pakistan. We tend to provide best delivery service and customer satisfaction across Pakistan. Orders are dispatched from our warehouse within 2 days after placing order and goods delivered to your doorstep usually within 3-5 days. does not take any responsibility for orders delivered later than 5 days due to natural hazards, unpredictable conditions or any technical or physical issue with the courier company. We take full responsibility of our products and customer service.
